The Vault

The Vault

  • originally published by Thunderstorm Books; U.S. limited hardcover/trade paperback; June 2019
  • reprinted by Grey Gull Publications; German hardcover/eBook; 2021
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The Long Way Home

The Long Way Home

  • originally published by PS Publishing; U.K. hardcover/eBook; 2018
  • reprinted by Cemetery Dance Publications; U.S. trade paperback; July 2019
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Silverwood: The Door

Silverwood: The Door

  • Serial Box
  • based on the video series from Tony Valenzuela’s Black Box TV
  • Coming October 2018
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A Long December

A Long December

  • originally published by Subterranean Press; hardcover/eBook; 2016
  • reprinted by SST Publications; U.K. trade paperback/eBook; London; 2016
  • U.S. audio edition; Journalstone Publications; July 2017
  • reprinted by Gauntlet Press; U.S. trade paperback; July 2017
  • reprinted by Poltergeist Press; Russian hardcover/eBook/audiobook; forthcoming in 2023
  • reprinted by Buchheim Verlag; Germany hardcover; forthcoming in 2023
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Monsters and Other Stories

Monsters and Other Stories

  • originally published by Subterranean Press; chapbook; 1998
Midnight Promises

Midnight Promises

  • Gauntlet Press; hardcover; 1996